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192 miles SE of Nassau
San Salvador, one of the easternmost islands in The Bahamas, is the summit of a submerged mountain that rises 15,000 feet from the ocean floor. The island spans 12 miles in length and 5 miles in width. It is believed that Christopher Columbus first landed here on October 12, 1492, although it's commonly thought he arrived at Long Bay, marked by a stone cross. The island was known as Guanahani by the native Lucayans.
192 miles SE of Nassau
940 (2010 Census)
Cash & Card – $1 BSD to $1 USD
Airports: 1
Codes: ZSA (San Salvador International Airport) Odyssey Aviation 702-0200
Bahamasair from Nassau daily at 11am Mailboat: M/V Lady Francis all 331-2651 Sailing Time: 12 hours Airlines: Air Canada Direct Flight from Montreal, XL Airways Direct Paris to San Salvador, American Airlines Direct from Miami
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Riding Rock Marina